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" Pour vous guider lors de la rédaction de votre dossier ou pour toutes les démarches administratives, notre équipe est présente à chacune des étapes de votre V.A.E "


Préparation au Jury

Dernière étape de votre validation, le passage devant le jury vous permet de présenter votre dossier et de répondre aux différentes questions des correcteurs. Nos séances de simulation d’entretien vous prépare à cette épreuve.

"Since it has been seen to be necessary to give so much to the child, let us give him a vision of the whole universe. The universe is an imposing reality, and an answer to all questions."

From: To Educate the Human Potential

By acknowledging and incorporating the characteristics of the child in the 6-12 year old plane of development, we work with the nature of the child to allow for full engagement with material-based activities that bring forward the tenets of problem-solving, executive functioning, and integration of cultural knowledge.

While Lower Elementary utilizes the fully formed work habit as the means to discoveries through exploration, the Upper Elementary environment provides a forum for continued investigations through research and refinement of detail. This second phase of “Age of the Reasoning Mind” involves the pursuit of individual interests amid the ongoing quest for acquisition of knowledge and perfection of skills. Students are encouraged to realize their aspirations in a peer-driven context that provides mentoring and support through ongoing presentations, independent study and practice, and regular conferencing with an adult guide. Basic to the process is the exercise of freedom of choice as balanced by responsibility and self-discipline, leading to increasing proficiency, social acumen and self-knowledge.

This philosophical backdrop provides the infrastructure for lifelong learning as students construct their cognitive, social and emotional aptitudes through their own engagement in a collaborative, material-rich environments. Our interdisciplinary approach to subject matter blends historical study with geography, literature, writing, fine and performing arts, as integrated with the study of mathematics, geometry, biology, chemistry, and the physical sciences. The blend of individual initiative and collaboration within a multi-aged community works towards fulfilling the promise of development of thinking, ethical, empathetic participants who can take their rightful place as members of and contributors to a global society.

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