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Lors de vos premiers entretiens nous déterminerons, ensemble, le diplôme correspondant à votre expérience professionnelle. Notre équipe vous aide à choisir un diplôme selon les attentes du jury et votre projet personnel.
The greatness of the human personality begins at the hour of birth
More learning takes place in the first two years than at any other time in a child’s life. The brain develops rapidly, and this growth is aided by the child’s physical experiences. Chicago Montessori’s Parent Infant class is designed to help parents gain a better understanding of their child as they learn to meet their true needs without sacrificing their own. With so much time devoted each day to the “maintenance” of the very young child—diapering, feeding, bathing, communicating—there is very little time to stop and appreciate children for the unique beings they are, and for the contributions they bring to the family.

The children in the Parent Infant class are truly an educational resource for the adults in their lives, as they explore the wonders of their ever-widening world. The Montessori approach provides a specially “prepared environment” for this exploration. Every object in the environment is chosen specifically for this age child. The children are free to explore and learn by experiencing the materials as well as the other children and adults in the class. Through parent discussions, parents will grow to know and appreciate their child more thoroughly from this fresh new perspective.
With their language and movement skills developing well, and their parents supporting their growing independence, young toddlers (15-18 months) are ready for the broader learning opportunities of the Toddler classroom.
Are you ready to get started?