Please familiarize yourself with the application process below.
This educational method is not for everyone and we want you to be able to make the best decision for your family.
We are accepting applications for children ages 18 mos. - 3 yrs. in our
Half Day program.
The Application Process

Educate Yourself
The first step in applying to our school is to make sure you have read the The Montessori Approach and Why Us sections of the website and conduct some personal research to determine if this is the right educational style for your family.

Open House
Once you have established that you are interested the next step, based on child age, is to either enroll in one of the Parent Infant classes and/or to attend an Open House for a personal introduction, walkthrough and Q&A. Applications are made available at this time.

Applications are available online. An application fee of $85 is due at the time of interview.

You will receive a written response from the Director regarding your family's acceptance. Families have approximately two weeks to respond.

Deposit & Contract
If your family is accepted a signed contract, 10% tuition deposit and joining fee of $1,250 will need to be secured by the specified time in order to claim the invitation.

Open Houses
Our dual language program (Spanish/English) is among the best in Chicago with native Spanish speakers in every class, all day, every day. Our children really learn the language and are exposed to various accents.
This is not a free education, but we believe it is a great bargain when the educational quality is compared to other schools that cost much more.
One of the not-very-well-known aspects of Montessori when executed in the traditional form is that it is efficient and these traits translate into some cost benefits to our families: There are no annually printed textbooks or disposable items, the materials are beautiful but they also last longer; The "teacher/student" ratio is purposefully high; Upper Elementary and Adolescent children use the entire city as their classroom and more.